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黃國明 ming WONG

設計總監 design director

設計師 簡介biography

擁有三十多年產品設計實戰經驗,於香港理工大學設計學系修讀產品設計課程,一九八四年畢業。畢業後投身產品設計行業, 曾受聘於兩間以 ODM 為主要業務的香港上市公司,受聘期間由設計師晉升為產品設計及研發部副總經理,負責產品企劃, 並領導設計團隊協助公司進行產品開發,構思產品概念,至完成設計及投入生產。



Ming attended School of Design of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University where he graduated from Faculty of Product Design in 1984. For the first 10-year of his career path in the area of product design, he joined a couple of ODM based companies respectively. He started his career as a designer and then getting promoted to senior management level, dedicated to lead his design team to innovate products for enterprises.

Ming established his own design consultancy, Mingz Creations, in 1995. With more than 30 years experience in product design industry, Ming has created more than thousand of design works which cover a wide range of products, from mini gadgets to professional devices. Most of the products were very successful in global markets as well as being recognized by some design awards.

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